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Sponsors & Supporters

Our Mission

To Increase Participation & Improve the Online Experience


Thank you for considering us                We'd love to have you on board





Tennis North Devon - Just Add Fun!

Explanation of Benefits


We Run & Showcase Events in Tennis North Devon

6 of our own events

North Devon Tournament (Men’s & Ladies Singles & Doubles Events), North Devon League (Men’s & Ladies Doubles),

North Devon Cups (Men’s & Ladies Doubles), Pete Stacey (Men’s & Ladies Doubles), Houldsworth Cup (Mixed Doubles)


30+ Open Events (Overall)

Junior & Adult events at the Atlantic Racquet Centre, Ilfracombe Tennis Club & Tarka Tennis Centre


10 Club Venues

Atlantic Racquet Centre (Bideford), Braunton, Chulmleigh, Hartland, Ilfracombe, Park Lane (Barnstaple),

Rock Park (Barnstaple), Tarka (Tarka Tennis Centre Barnstaple), Torrington (@ Atlantic Racquet Centre Bideford) & Woolsery


Our Mission: To Increase Participation & Improve the Online Experience



  1. Increase Participation: Players enter more events                                               Aim to increase by 10%

  2. Increase Communication with new & existing players                                         Event notifications & Newsletters via Email & Social Media

  3. Increase number of events at North Devon Clubs                                                Particularly half & full day events: Increasing online presence

  4. Easy to Use. Simple online journey                                                                        As easy as booking a hotel room

  5. Able to Use Mobile Devices for everything                                                            Using a Mobile First Website or the LTA App

  6. Encourage Volunteers to participate                                                                      Makes Tennis North Devon a great place to play and complete our                                                                                                                                        mission. This cannot be achieved without volunteers, no matter                                                                                                                                            how small the contribution.



Building Stronger Relationships        

  • Increase Club Visibility – Find on Map

    • What do you want people to know about your Club?

    • Weblink's / Club Social Media Pages (Inside Tennis North Devon Website)

  • Hold more open events

    • Particularly half & one day events

    • Optional shared organisation/training/partnership

    • Increase online presence

    • Variety of formats available

  • Ask your members to: -

    • Join Tennis North Devon’s Mailing list

    • Become Social Media Followers on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram

    • Reminders for busy people

    • Receive a Monthly Newsletter


Tennis North Devon Website                                     Social Media (Setup Accounts on)

Focused on making it                                                  Facebook, Twitter & Instagram

Easy to enter events                                                   Share similar content regularly



Attracting Visitors

  • Implementing all the above

  • Publishing regular content

    • Key online content strategy: Volume, Regularity, Relevance

  • Ask Visitors to: -

    • Join Tennis North Devon’s Mailing list

    • Become Social Media Followers on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram

    • Reminders for busy people

    • Receive a Monthly Newsletter

  • Ask Visitors if they know friends & family & Ask them to join & become social media followers

  • Online Marketing: Finding People who are searching for what we provide



Improving the Online Experience


1. Find events                                         Simply online journey

    Link or search


2. Enter events                                       Choose what you want



3. Pay                                                      PayPal link to common payment methods



4. Mobile First                                        Matches players lifestyles

     70/30                                                 As easy as booking a Hotel room

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